piranha CONTACT
piranha CONTACT
UNELTEDiscuri diamantateCarote diamantateUnelte betonUnelte piatraDispozitiv eliberare caroteMASINIMasini de carotat manualeMasini de carotat cu standTrepiede masini de carotatMasini de taiat betonGrupuri hidrauliceCiocane demolatoarePompe submersibileDispozitiv batut stalpiMasini de slefuitMasini de lustruitAspiratoare prafACCESORIIAccesorii WekaAccesorii HyconAccesorii LavinaPRODUCATORIHyconWekaZenesisLavina

LT Diamond Drilling a fost infiintata in Australia in anul 1973, activand predominant in mari proiecte de constructii din Australia.

Procesul de diversificare a activitatilor a fost unul sistematic bazat pe acumularea experientei de catre companie si asocierea cu organizatii inovatoare din Australia, dezvoltandu-se de-a lungul timpului.

Compania ofera servicii de taiere si carotare beton pentru majoritatea marilor companii de constructii cat si pentru persoane fizice in cadrul proprietatilor si ansamblurilor rezidentiale.

Multumita utilizarii celor mai moderne tehnologii si metode, LT Diamond Drilling este capabila sa execute intr-un timp mult mai scurt lucrari care in mod normal necesita multe ore de manopera. Beneficiind de serviciile noastre profesionale si de experienta acumulata de-a lungul anilor, clientii nostrii au satisfactie garantata.


Weka Elektrowerkzeuge e.K. was founded on 1st of October 1988 as a family business by Wilhelm Wurster. After continuous growth, today we produce high-quality electrical tools, in particular diamond core drills, diamond saws, diamond drill rigs, and special electric tools at the location in Altbulach.

Our core competence is development and design, motor production, as well as development and manufacturing of electronic controls.

Our customers are professional users worldwide, for whom we as an internationally oriented company are a partner in the field of concrete drilling and sawing, as well as in the development of customer - specific power tools, for more than 25 years.

Our products are sold and serviced by distributors worldwide. Our aim is to be ahead of "machines off the shelf" with always new machines and to offer more advantages to the operator.


Tyrolit is positioned as one of the leading manufacturers of bonded grinding, cut-off, sawing, drilling and dressing tools and as a supplier of tool and machine systems for the construction industry.

The family-owned company, which was founded in 1919 and is a member of the Swarovski Group, is based in Schwaz, Austria, and currently has over 4,300 employees at 26 production locations in 11 countries and on 5 continents.

Tyrolit's Metal and Precision, Industrial Trade, Construction and Stone - Ceramics - Glass divisions manufacture 80,000 different products. They are offered to customers all over the world by 35 sales companies and additional distributors in 65 countries. Tyrolit products grind, cut and drill almost any material of any hardness using advanced technology from Tyrol.

The experts at Tyrolit are known throughout the world for mastering a wide variety of challenges and are hightly sought-after partners in the development of new and innovative solutions.


HYCON, a Danish manufacturer of handheld hydraulic tools, was founded in 2002. We claim the position as "the hydraulic experts" in the tools and equipment industry. We concentrate all our resources on hydraulic power and are proud to develop and sell the most powerful, versatile and reliable solutions for a variety of customer needs.

All engineering and assembly is done in-house to ensure full control of quality and performance. All product are thoroughly tested before approval by one of our dedicated staff.

This is one of the reasons why we are acknowledged as one of the most reliable and trusted brands in the industry, with more than 40.000 tools in operation around the world.

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